Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 1

I started my Day 1 on Saturday, August 22nd. I went to my yoga class that I hadn't been to in over two weeks because of my vacation. OMG was it hard! It was probably the first time since I began practicing that I had to leave the room! That's ok though, I was there. It is yoga practice not perfect right? So far today I haven't practiced. I could practice at home this evening and I will make that my goal. I have to get to a party for a friend and there is a lot of work to do. Always a lot of work to do. A million reasons to skip my yoga and eat poorly! My sister in-law and I have decided to join Weight Watchers this week. I usually have success on that - I lost 20 pounds from September to December last year, but haven't been able to get back in the swing since Christmas. It is August...enough of a break? Weight Watchers is great for portions, but you have to be careful to eat whole foods and not the "low fat" processed junk. I do like the accountability of having to weigh in and I think that is why it is good for me.

1 comment:

  1. I think Weight Watchers works for me for accountability too. Counting points becomes an exciting game - sometimes, if eating lots of veggies and fruits - it's almost difficult to eat all of the day's allotment. What a great experiment in satiety!!! ;)

    I'm going to do WW again too, from home. There's no meeting close enough for me to make on a regular basis without a car.
