Saturday, September 5, 2009

My blog is off to a slow start...

When I started this blog I had high hopes of doing yoga every day and eating healthy and so would begin my transformation into living vibrantly and healthfully! Well, the intention is still there, but somehow the crazy crap in my life seems to always get the drivers seat. I have begun to make changes that will allow this transformation to move from the back of the bus to the front and that is working from home which will allow me the freedom to decide when to go to yoga and be home to make most of my meals here. Yay! I am very excited about this change. I feel like this is the starting point I need in order to do what I really want to do which is create a healthy, vibrant, joy filled existence from which I can be of service to others from a full cup instead of the depleted one that I sometimes walk around with. I'm excited about getting to do two types of yoga simultaneously which I have wanted to do for a long time. I want to practice Bikram and Baptiste yoga each every other day and see what happens in a years time. Doing any yoga lately has been hard so I will get there when I can get rid of the stuck job. Which will also free me up to travel more and visit my mother and family more.

Good news is tomorrow I'm driving down to Cambridge to practice at the Baptiste studio with Gregor and the awesome Kellie Lin! I can't wait. I haven't had any time for a me day very often so it feels good to go! Then on Monday I will practice Bikram yoga in he morning. So, it is a start right?